Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing Module 7

Lots of imagery and maps this week! We learned about working with multispectral imagery in both ERDAS Imagine and ArcMap. For the lab assignment, we were given a Landsat Image and asked to identify three features based on clues about their reflectance in different bands of the image, i.e. at different wavelengths. Then we had to create composite images using band combinations that would make those features stand out.

Here are mine:

One issue I had was that the first image (water bodies) looked very washed out once I brought it into ArcMap and I couldn't figure out how to fix it, although I was able to do some histogram correction using the Image Analysis window, just not to get it looking as good as it did in Imagine. What's puzzling is that it didn't happen with the other two, so if it's related to creating the image subset, I don't know why it only caused a problem with one. Aside from that, I enjoyed this lab!

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