This week's lab was a continuation of our exploration of spatial referencing and map projections. For this complex assignment, we were required to download data in various formats, from various sources, and make sure all of it ended up in the same projection. Some of the datasets were already ArcMap ready and just needed to be re-projected using the Project tool provided in ArcMap; in other cases we needed to define the coordinate system for a raster image file and import x,y data from a spreadsheet, define its coordinate system, create a shapefile, and re-project it to the correct projected coordinate system (in this case, State Plane, Florida North).
The screenshot below shows the end result, with all the data lined up correctly in the right place. Pictured is aerial imagery for USGS quad 5160 in the far southwestern tip of Escambia County, FL, overlain by Florida county boundaries and the USGS quad index, along with major roads and point data indicating the location of petroleum storage tank contamination monitoring sites.
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